fredag 10. februar 2012

Pestalozzi Bergen 2010: BIA&B: Cursuri de perfectionare

BIA&B: Cursuri de perfectionare

PERFECŢIONARE Programele sunt acreditate de CNFP.
1. Cadre didactice
• Curriculum şi didactică – 30 credite - 90 ore – 450 lei

2. Personal de conducere, îndrumare şi control din învăţământul preuniversitar şi personal didactic aspirant la funcţii de conducere, îndrumare şi control

• Management educaţional – 60 credite - 180 ore – 900 lei

SPECIALIZARE Programele sunt acreditate de CNFPA.
• Formator (cod COR 241205) – 250 lei
• Mentor (cod COR 235902) – 250 lei
• Evaluator de competenţe profesionale (cod COR 2419219)– 250 lei
• Manager de proiect (cod COR 241919) – 90 ore – 450 lei
•Notă: Toate activităţile se desfăşoară la Grupul Şcolar de Transporturi Auto Craiova.
Acte necesare: copie buletin, copie diplomă studii, adeverinţă de la locul de muncă, copie certificat naştere*, copie certificat de căsătorie* (*dacă numele de pe buletin diferă de numele de pe diploma de studii)
Informaţii la tel: 0745311119
Persoanele interesate pot apela acest număr de telefon şi pot transmite un e-mail la adresa pentru a solicita documentele de înscriere

Str. Potelu nr.2 Craiova
Tel: 0733073640, e-mail:

Grupul Şcolar de Transporturi Auto Craiova
Bvd. Nicolae Romanescu nr. 99 Craiova

Str. Torontalului nr.15,
Tel: 0723444955 Fax: 0256244393 e-mail:

fredag 7. januar 2011

Blogging on my school

Hi everybody.
I had to restart and learn blogging once again. Today Trygve is at my school, and 5 teachers have learned the art of blogging and using googledocs.

torsdag 28. oktober 2010

Hi again from Ceuta

Here I show you a great picture of my lovely and unknown Spanish city. Enjoy the photo.
Now, our temperature is about 23º, I think it's really cold there in Bergen, and not to forget that it must be raining, for sure. Well, you can come to Spain whenever you will be welcome!!
See ya

mandag 4. oktober 2010

Lovely WEATHER in the South of SPAIN

Back to my lovely city, the temperature is about 28º, nearly summertime. That's great! I'd like to greet my partner Javier, how are you doing,buddy? I hope you are quite well, just lying in the sun and so forth. Any news, just let me know.
If any of you from the Pestalozzi Workshop wants to send me e-mail, here it is:

Best regards to all of you.
Juan Carlos Navarro García.

fredag 1. oktober 2010

Dear all

Hello to all of you - I hope you had a nice couple of days in Bergen.
I promised to publish all the powerpoints from the conference in this blog, but so far i have received zero ppt-files from our lecturers. So please email this to me those of you who talked during the conference. My email is
Greetings from Trygve :)

onsdag 22. september 2010

Hi from Spain

It's Javier. I'm back to summertime again. I would like you to share your pics here. Is it possible?
Regards for everybody